bms future energy GmbH

Whether monitoring or active control of your energy consumption in real time, intelligent load management, the integration of renewable energy sources, charging infrastructure for e-mobility or intelligent heating and cooling: bms future energy GmbH is the market leader in the energy management sector with a sophisticated machine learning model, supports you in decarbonization and brings significant savings in your energy costs.


rising CO2 Emissions

  • The global demand for energy will continue to grow over the years to come, led by emerging developing countries, where the demand for fossil fuels will remain at high level. Therefore, it is all the more important and essential that we live up to our role as pioneers and work actively to reduce CO2 emissions. 

rising energy consumption

  • According to the European Union, households are responsible for 26.1% of current energy consumption, just behind transport (30.5%) and just ahead of industry (25.8%). In the future, energy demand will continue to rise in all sectors. Focusing on alternative energy generation and optimizing the increased demand becomes utterly important. 

global warming

  • In recent years, global temperatures are at their highest on record and are expected to continue to increase. In order to slow this development down or even prevent it, we need to act proactively in regard to energy management.